Pet Peeves

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I found Wired's list of 10 photography pet peeves interesting, so I decided to come up with my own list:

1.  HDR that looks unrealistic.  Dynamic color correction is one thing; making your photo look like you see the world in pastels is another.

2.  "You take great photos; you must have a nice camera."   It's like saying that a painter does well because he has a great brush.

3.  Terrible photos on FaceBook.  People that upload all 146 photos that they took at the wedding, even the ones that were taken by a two-year-old on a sugar high ... let's just say that they mildly annoy me.  Pick your favorite 12 and no one will get hurt.

4.  The "hold the camera above my head to take a self portrait" shot.  Usually a female pose. 

5.  Power poles & power lines.

6.  Most cell phone photos.

7.  Most pet photos.  Especially if your pet is named "Fluffy," "Biscuit," "Prissy-Lilly," or if you consider your pet to be a member of your family.

8.  Purchasing camera gear and then not using it.

9.  Cameras that make non-mechanical noise.  If you allow your camera to beep, you automatically forfeit the right to own that camera.

10.  Drunk people photos.  They aren't funny after the event; in fact they probably aren't funny to anyone that isn't drunk.

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This page contains a single entry by Joshua L Smith published on August 24, 2009 6:00 PM.

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