July 2009 Archives

"Sunset Grass"

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May 29, 09  8:08pm

Photography Tips & Hints:  This photo is an illustration of the Rule of Thirds:  notice the placement of the sun and the horizontal wheat in the lower portion of the photo.

Photography Tips & Hints

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There is only one rule to photography, the Rule of Thirds
Basically, the better that your photo conforms to the RoT, the more interesting any photo can become.  There are a few exceptions, but by and large the rule of thirds holds true.

The remainder of these are suggestions that I have learned or been told that will help you compose and frame your shots better:
1 - try to find a diagonal line to run through your photo
The leading line (from dock to tree's shadow to trees - the natural curve) is what gives it the majority of its appeal.

2 - odd numbers are better
Odd numbers lead to a better center of focus.

3 - fill the frame of the photo.
Make sure that the subject of your photo fills the frame as much as is possible.

4 - never center your horizon or the sun/moon
Never make the sky and ground/water into a 50/50 equation, in fact try not to split any photo in half with a line.

5 - just cause it's cool looking doesn't mean that it will be a good photo
Visually interesting doesn't mean that it will make a good photo. Think about and plan your photos.  Think about how it should fit in the frame.  Don't be upset if you can't get a concept to turn out.

6 - include or don't include the horizon
The trees on the horizon shouldn't interrupt the bottom of the photo.  the horizon should either be present, or you shouldn't be able to see the trees at all.  In fact anything that is partially in a photo is only a distraction.

7 - always give people and animals room to move in the frame
Facing an animal in a photo toward the emptier section of the photo gives the appearance of movement.

8 - buy a cheap tripod ($30 or so at Walmart)
This will help your night-time photos not be shaky.

9 - the devil invented power lines

10 - shoot tons of photos and look at tons of photos.  I have probably 50 photos that I'm really proud of, but I've shot over 60,000 in the three years since I started shooting.  If you can't be proficient, be prolific.  :)  You also learn by practice and reviewing other's work.   (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/)

"Lines & Curves"

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Chicago Board of Trade Building  &  Lake Point Tower
48997  &  64806

"Bombs Bursting in Air"

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fireworks 2.jpg
69541  D80  f9  7s  18mm  ISO400  July 3, 2009  10:30pm
69510  D80  f10  3.7s  18mm  ISO400  July 3, 2009  10:22pm
69518  D80  f7.1  5.2s  18mm  ISO400  July 3, 2009  10:24pm

"North Star"

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April 10, 2009  10:06pm
D80  f10  25min  18mm  ISO400

"Flag & Lines"

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Just a couple of the more abstract shots from downtown Chicago.
48980  &  48970
January 29, 2009  11:04pm  &  January 29, 2009  11:02pm
D50  f5.6  2s  48mm  ISO800  &  D50  f5.6  1/15s  55mm  ISO800

"Bursts of Excitement"

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Fireworks 1.jpg
69531  &  69522
July 3, 2009  10:27 PM  &  July 3, 2009  10:25 PM
   D80  F9  4.4s  18mm  ISO400  &  D80  F7.1  2.2s  18mm  ISO400

"James Williams, Jr."

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What is the price for Freedom?  James Williams, Sr. could have told you.
Arlington National Cemetery with Washington Monument
July 8, 2009  4:14pm
D50  f8  1/640s  55mm  ISO200


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December 28, 2009  8:15pm
D50  f5  1.6s  ISO800  40mm

It's Thanksgiving Time!

No, not the whole eat Turkey at Grandma's house kind of Thanksgiving; but a time to thank God for our nation. 
Now, I'm not the type that thinks that I live in a "Christian" nation, or thinks that a conservative, evangelical President would trigger a nation-wide revival; but I'm amazed at how few Americans are aware of the liberties that they enjoy due to our God fearing, freedom loving Founding Fathers.  So, I'll just write a few things that I am thankful as they relate to our nation's leadership and freedom:

-  God's grace toward our nation.  We as a nation are not the receivers of any special Biblical prophecy, and yet God has shown mercy and immense blessing on our nation.

-  Our God-fearing founding fathers and leadership for over 200 years.  We have been guided by so many leaders that respected the Bible as the ultimate authority and recognized God's authority in the world.

-  Our nation's allowance for many people to enjoy our freedoms by immigrating to our nation.  Without these people groups our nation would be a much less powerful and resourceful nation; keep in mind that if you have any European blood in you, then you yourself have immigrants as ancestors.

-  Our desire to see the world as a more peaceful and unified community.  While the Bible promises wars and disunity in the end times, I'm thankful for a nation whose leaders care about all human kind, and not just their own citizens.  It is this compassion that will set America apart in the world's eyes.

-  Our Founding Father's desire to see that all men are treated as equals, and the movements that have extended those rights to women and then to minorities.  It really is amazing that we have Barack Obama, a black man married to a black woman, as our President.  Very few nations have elected a minority to leadership.

-  Our ability to peacefully elect officials every year and to elect a nation-wide leader every four years.  This also is not the norm among most of the world's population; most people live in a nation where there are no elections or they are not peaceful; and when our country was founded this method of government was almost unheard of.

-  Our right to worship as we choose.  Don't ever underestimate our freedom to worship God as we choose.

In the USA, we enjoy so many freedoms that we seldom think of - this Saturday as we remember our Founding Fathers and our nation's founding, try to remember the boldness that it took to sign the Declaration of Independence and the courage that it has taken millions of men and women to defend our freedoms over the years.

And be thankful...


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65795  &  65609  
May 3, 2009  3:04pm  &  May 2, 2009  12:23pm
D80  f2.8  1/250s  55mm  ISO100  &  D80  f5.6  1/125s  ISO200  135mm

"Empty Tree"

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64571  -  D80  f8  1/100s  18mm  ISO100  ::  April 24, '09  4:55pm

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