Still My Trusty Companion

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In June, I commented that after taking 20,000 images, I felt my Nikon D50 is "one of the wisest uses of 'fun money' that I've ever made."  As 2009 begins, I've taken just shy of 40,000 images with the D50.  What a great camera; I've grown attached to it, and I've learned so much while using it. 

Of those many images, I've shared a few of my favorite images; I have another group that I'd like to share over the next month or so.  In most areas of life, one success for every 250 or so tries isn't good; but I've found that in photography, it's acceptable.  Over my couple years of avid photography I've tried to keep my photography as a hobby.  I've adopted the slogan "if you can't be proficient, be prolific."  I shoot as much as possible because I enjoy the art and reflection, not because anything depends on it.

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This page contains a single entry by Joshua L Smith published on January 5, 2009 4:01 PM.

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