Why "FourPointedStar"?

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FPS.jpgIt all started in high school.  I wanted to be an architect; I was going to be famous, and Smithson Architectural Design Firm was going to be the team that you wanted to design your house. Sounds similar to any other high schooler's dream, right? 
During my senior year, my interest in architecture declined rapidly, but I kept my symbol - the four pointed star.  I used it on my notes in college, on my sketches for fun, on designs that I threw together in Photoshop after college; it became my artistic symbol.  
When Brad and I decided to learn about websites and webdesign, I started searching the web for a domain that I could use:  smith.com, smithfamily.com, etc.    fourpointedstar.com was available and unique; and while I now own joshualsmith.net, smithsondesign.com, and many others, FourPointedStar has become my artistic release - my canvas. 

Now it would be foolish to switch to something easier; a Google search for four pointed star shows why...  Of course joshualsmith is equally well-searched.

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This page contains a single entry by Joshua L Smith published on December 27, 2008 11:40 PM.

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