Proud of the U.S.A.

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"Sunset Flag"  16166
Town of Maine, WI
©2007 Joshua L. Smith

It's safe to say that most Americans aren't happy with America's current politicians.  But in a year of grumbling about our country; let's take one day and remember what made this country great:  a resolute desire for Freedom.
Journey back to 1770 with me:  The world was ruled by empires.  Britain had the momentum, and seemed to be all-powerful;  France's monarchy had all but destroyed it's own economy, and was about to face the fruit of its labor;  Spain was conquering what we now know as Mexico and California; and the Russian and Ottoman Empires were at war. 
Quite honestly, the outlook was grim in any empire if your religion or ideology disagreed with the ruling monarchy.  The only beacon of hope was the Dutch Republic; they enjoyed a representative government, of sorts.
But across the ocean, in the New World, there were a group of radicals that felt that a government should guarantee certain natural rights to everyone.  It was that ideology that led Thomas Jefferson to write:   "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights..."
A radical?  Yes, those words were treason in his day.  God grants everyone equal standing?  That was a liberal concept...
Those that signed the Declaration of Independence risked their lives.  The majority were captured as spies, had their fortunes destroyed or lost their lives. 
Why do I rehearse all of this?  Because of one simple and powerful fact:  I enjoy every single one of those freedoms today.  Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; I relish in them. 
Our nation's Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights are still used as the yardstick for other emerging governments.  And for that I am proud. 

080704 17780 In the Breeze 070707.jpg
"In the Breeze" 17780
Menominee, WI
2:51pm, July 7, 2007
Nikon D50
©2007 Joshua L. Smith

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This page contains a single entry by Joshua L Smith published on July 3, 2008 11:28 PM.

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