Tagged: yellow


CF7688 240824 112925


CF5195 240629 132507


CF6788 240721 090606

CF6628 240721 084835

CF6533 240721 083633

CF6529 240721 083314


CF6643 240721 085054


CD4018 240408 165901


CF2920 240608 093804


CD4294 240421 091152

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CD4643 240421 180122

Not all buildings are architecturally interesting. But every building has aspects that can lead to an interesting photo – like this stairwell in a parking gararge! And yes, I know that these doors are not in the correct stoplight order.

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BZ9795 240212 194724

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CB9277 240216 113318

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BZ9800 240212 194748

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AX9165 181005 124433

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AX9114 181005 115246

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AX9102 181005 114516

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AX9075 181005 113619

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AX9057 181005 113145

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AX9054 181005 113026

Cynthia and I share the same birth month and when she was younger, we would plan trips for our birthdays. This was a hiking trip to Matthiessen State Park; evidently I never posted all of the photos. You can see the other images here.

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“Fall Forest Colors”

January 21st, 2024

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AX9046 181005 112641

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BZ8831 231104 192559

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“Still at Work”

November 28th, 2023

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BZ8723 231104 173435

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BZ8833 231104 200612

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BZ4151 231002 120458

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BY3103 230718 191836