Tagged: wood

AY8379 190511 125300

BC0185 190608 131933

BA9905 190711 154558

BC3393 190722 195225

BC3388 190722 195121


In mid-December, I drove past the Indiana Dunes and stopped and took the first image; around this time, I’d decided that February would be all black & white images – more on that at the end of the month.  I invited a photographer friend to come along on a dedicated trip back to the dunes and took photos with the intention of creating a week’s worth of black & white images.

We had a fantastic day of photography and conversation, and I ended up with quite a few more than 7 images and some images with fantastic texture and composition.

AY3599 181226 115235

AX7086 180909 132225


see more photos of Indiana Dunes

AX4302 180727 163950

AU8689 180224 112302

AT7371 180217 131642

AT7232 180217 125734

AT4092 171015 135140

AP5214 170216 211306

AJ2560 160716 154325

AP5608 170217 134656 copy

AC0330 150221 141824

AL2227 160717 135124

AI6940 160131 151903

AI7139 160206 111621

AI6944 160131 151955

AI6971 160131 153007

AI6938 160131 151845

AI6933 160131 151430