Tagged: white


CG1198 241006 145019


CF5167 240629 132126

Since many of the cars were crowded or muddy, I had to come up with a different strategy for photographing at Sonny Acres Farm. So I turned to the iconic nameplates that showed up, including the embossed Porsche on this 928.


CF2812 240608 092857


BY3051 230718 191019

What’s cooler than a fully tricked out hot rod?
Wauconda Cruise In always puts on a good show, and this year, I was able to attend in both July and August.

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BZ1128 230827 091225



BZ1138 230827 091521


BY0466 230619 145503

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BX8168 230521 133722

BX8136 230521 132940

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BX5237 230415 115524

BT6918 230501 175601

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BT6822 230501 174051

BX2385 230305 163042

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BR5168 220903 092239

BR5173 220903 092337

BQ2796 220612 094325

BR1068 220719 134847

BQ3724 220704 092210

BQ2654 220610 100612

BQ0167 220514 155939

BQ1943 220605 161901

BQ1928 220605 161724

BN7609 220327 125952

BN8006 220327 145851