Tagged: Week 7 2025


One of my favorite things to do in the winter in Chicago is to visit one of the conservatories to see the plants and blossoms. The splash of color does wonders to invigorate my spirit.
But then I tend to create monochrome images out of my trips because I love the textures.

CJ0694 250209 113636

CJ0636 250209 112233

CJ0570 250209 110216

CJ0499 250209 102446

CJ0459 250209 101352

CG8703 250126 124000

CG8693 250126 123832


Not every image needs to be award winning; I enjoy looking for abstract compositions, and I’ve photographed this type of plant quite a few times and rarely gotten an image that I liked.  But I really like this image – award winning to me.