Tagged: Week 22 2024


CF2713 240519 212616

This was an interesting concept, but poor execution. The idea was that the sparks from the steel wool would look like they were coming out of the tailpipe, but – well, you gotta have your angles right. And since that’s me spinning the steel wool, well, my camera angle was all wrong. Oh well, I still think it’s a cool shot of Keith on his bike.

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CF2707 240519 210040

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CF2704 240519 205335

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CF2701 240519 204248

Over the past 10 years, the Elgin Area Camera Club has hosted a steel wool photography opportunity three times. This image is from our most recent outing, and I’m actually the one who is spinning the wool in this image – I set up my camera and someone else pushed the shutter, so this is more of a collaborative image, you might say.

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CF2699 240519 203855

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CF2698 240519 203521

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CF2690 240519 202309

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