Tagged: waterfall


CJ0547 250209 105325

CJ0537 250209 104624


CF9084 240929 152229

There is something fascinatingly unattractive about this photo. It’s not that humans have ruined a scene – so many beautiful vistas are ruined by power lines, trash, or other remnants of humanity. No, this is just the backwater area of a creek that is very low right now; as you’ll see in a photo later in this series, barely a trickle.

The stone wall is muddy and inaccessible, and the water was murky and dirty. But I still love the location and the reminder that not everything is pretty – and it doesn’t have to be either.

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CF9068 240929 152151

If you visit the lower area of Matthiessen State Park, you can walk through a naturally carved tunnel on the left side of the canyon to get a unique view of the waterfall and cliff face. While I was standing there, I felt like this was my little hiding place, so I edited this monochrome image to match that feeling.

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CF9050 240929 150607

I first visited Matthiessen State Park back in 2014 on a day that I photographed 4 of the waterfalls at Starved Rock as well. You can see how sunny it was in quite a few of the photos, but the sunshine made it almost impossible to get a longer exposure of Cascade Falls – that is, until a cloud drifted overhead. The same thing happened throughout the day on this trip to Matthiessen; the clouds drifted overhead allowing for some longer exposures.

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BZ7913 231007 182229

BZ7883 231007 175501


CG6990 241116 103823(1)

BZ7873 231007 173152

BZ7698 231007 165421

BZ7643 231007 152527

BZ7595 231007 150646

BZ7565 231007 145905

BZ7533 231007 123845

CB1037 231007 131225

CB1019 231007 111939

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BZ7042 231006 101040

BZ6887 231007 073135

CB0969 231006 171125

CB0964 241006 170015

CB0960 231006 163233

BZ6796 231006 161435

CB0954 231006 153837

CB0948 231006 152736

BZ6381 231005 135621

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BZ6161 221005 112439

BZ6130 231005 112016

BZ6216 231005 114033

BZ5841 231004 155808

BZ5791 231004 142342

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BZ5712 231004 132641

BZ5673 231004 115639