Tagged: The Wrigley Building


CG8514 241229 174853

On a previous photo walk (which was also rainy), Arnaldo took a few photos of reflections in the water; and as I waited for the December photo walk to begin, I noticed this perfect reflection. I considered asking someone to step in the puddle, but decided that the Wrigley and InterContinental buildings were a great composition.

CG8478 241229 173103

The day was rainy, but the soldiers still stood guard. With the rainy concrete and the interior lights providing a warm glow, the entrance to The Wrigley Building looked perfectly festive and the marble facade added to the grandeur.


BZ9055 231119 110525


BZ9105 231119 113826

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BZ9066 231119 110947

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AT8892 180412 193134

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AC8352 141229 180452

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