Tagged: sunlight


“Ancient History’s Tale”

February 3rd, 2024

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BZ9357 240102 194552

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“Sunlit Stone”

January 20th, 2024

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BY1354 230703 093910

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BY1172 230702 160539

I had not originally planned on visiting Durward’s Glen Waterfall on my July trip, it just happened to be “along the way”. However, just the canyon was well worth the trip; it was absolutely gorgeous, and even though you’re surrounded by a Catholic campground & getaway, it feels miles away from anyone else.

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BY1140 230702 155250

To reach the (very small) waterfall at Durward’s Glen, you have to hike along the stream, and once you get past a certain point, through the stream. What you can’t see in this photo is the “Private Property” signs on the right hand bank.

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CB0940 231106 144847

While we were on our October waterfall trip, our guide arranged for us to visit the Historic Ironwood Theater in Ironwood, Michigan. The theater has been beautifully restored, and they use this film projector to show classic films.

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BZ9167 231119 154408

BZ9120 231119 114152

BZ9154 231119 121839

BZ9055 231119 110525

BZ9150 231119 121119

BZ9149 231119 121012

BZ9134 231119 115050

BZ9129 231119 114343


BZ4805 231003 104708

BZ4023 231002 083650


BZ5171 231003 164731


BZ5186 231003 165024


BZ5077 231003 150442


BZ4442 231002 154112

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BZ5029 231003 143858

BZ4308 231002 131204

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BZ4979 231003 115204

BZ4240 231002 124443

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BZ4903 231003 115204

BZ4014 231002 083538

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BZ4820 231003 112346

BZ4000 231002 083416

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BZ4744 231003 095320

CB0397 231002 150050

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BZ4642 231003 093218


BZ4507 231002 160810

BZ4372 231002 141402