Tagged: shore


CD0415 240218 122659

The shadows from the melting ice or snow rolling down the glass were the perfect addition to all of the angles in this photo.

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BZ6924 231007 075342

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BZ6596 231006 102508

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BV3800 221217 070941

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BG8929 201024 001108

BG9200 201024 110317

BG5796 200810 134153

BE4948 191112 072902

BE4890 191112 072043


In mid-December, I drove past the Indiana Dunes and stopped and took the first image; around this time, I’d decided that February would be all black & white images – more on that at the end of the month.  I invited a photographer friend to come along on a dedicated trip back to the dunes and took photos with the intention of creating a week’s worth of black & white images.

We had a fantastic day of photography and conversation, and I ended up with quite a few more than 7 images and some images with fantastic texture and composition.

AY3599 181226 115235

AY3511 181226 112355

AX6087 180901 163240


AX9835 181014 125205

AX9850 181014 125633


see more photos of Indiana Dunes

AG2748 160524 105234

AC6007 141107 134841

AC6003 141107 134755

AD0649 141107 124823

AC5991 141107 134325

D6639 080813 221613

D6878 080814 223149