Tagged: ripples


CG1846 241007 193335

It probably goes without saying, but you can’t go very far in Seattle without seeing Mount Ranier. When we took the tour of the harbor the sun was setting and illuminating the snow cap.


CG1198 241006 145019

CG7115 241117 165527


CG1900 241007 194343

CG1743 241007 192349

CG1568 241007 141010


BZ3475 230928 153056

If you know me, you likely know that I love photographing waterfalls, and recently someone asked “what counts as a waterfall?” Well, the water has to fall; it’s as simple as that. Now, I won’t drive hours to see a waterfall like this one (small, artificial), but the girls let me know about this cute location in Sun City Huntley, so one afternoon I stopped by to capture the small cascade along their artificial stream. The real question: does this count as a “nature photo” on my website?

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BQ1045 220530 082032

BL0473 201129 142004

BL0504 201129 142334

BE8951 200329 132156 copy

AG6612 150703 163021