Tagged: Rectangles


CD0405 240218 122541

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CD0187 240218 121108

Santiago Calatrava’s buildings never fail to impress. They’re almost always futuristic, but often can be mistaken for an animal in some kind of animated reality. Even his art installation in Chicago has a fluid and natural motion to it.

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CD0169 240218 120745


If you crane your neck and look UP under Calatrava’s wonderful design, the view is magnificent!


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CD0147 240218 120450



Perhaps someday I will grow tired of capturing the Quadracci Pavilion at the Milwaukee Art Museum, but for now, I love visiting that building. The whites and blues and sunlight are the perfect painters of abstract patterns; I can’t wait to go back!

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CD0134 240218 120338

Anytime that I visit a location for a second or third time, I want to take photos that are unique to each visit. Which means that with each visit the photos get more challenging but the images get more inventive. The intersection of lines in the pavilion is full of unique images and surprises.


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AT4311 171015 150640

AT3552 171015 103839

AT3676 171015 112432