Tagged: pool

CB0969 231006 171125

CB0960 231006 163233


CF7587 240824 105117

If you’ve known me or followed my photography for a while, you’ll know that I love photographing waterfalls. I’ve lived in the Chicago area for the past 15+ years, and I assumed that I knew about all of the naturally occurring waterfalls in Northern Illinois. But…one of my friends visited Sagawau Canyon Nature Preserve; well that sounds cool – a “canyon” in the Chicago area! And when I looked up the location, I found a random photo on Flickr that indicated that there was a waterfall in that canyon!

So, the next free day, I drove down to see the canyon and waterfall. Well, both the canyon and waterfall within are protected areas due to rare and endangered species of plants, and that is why there are very few photos of either. However, if you stand at the right spot on the walking trail’s bridge, you can see the waterfall … in all of its mid-summer trickle! Needless to say, I’ll be back to photograph this location when the stream has more volume.


BY1172 230702 160539

I had not originally planned on visiting Durward’s Glen Waterfall on my July trip, it just happened to be “along the way”. However, just the canyon was well worth the trip; it was absolutely gorgeous, and even though you’re surrounded by a Catholic campground & getaway, it feels miles away from anyone else.

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BY1140 230702 155250

To reach the (very small) waterfall at Durward’s Glen, you have to hike along the stream, and once you get past a certain point, through the stream. What you can’t see in this photo is the “Private Property” signs on the right hand bank.

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BZ6865 231104 170844

BZ6821 231006 162817


BY1163 230702 160318

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BY1110 230702 154758

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BY1150 230702 155832

BW8666 221216 152938

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“If Your Friend Jumped…”

January 9th, 2023

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BW8627 221216 151754

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“Telling a Story”

January 8th, 2023

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BW8296 221216 150359

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BW1824 221014 234735

BV1582 221014 235252

BC1919 190703 210609


Cynthia, my oldest daughter, and I took a day trip down to Matthiessen State Park for our October birthdays.  The weather was perfect, and the colors were just starting to turn, so we enjoyed some yellow and just the hints of red that were just beginning.  In the fall it’s very unusual for there to be much water flowing, but when we walked north, toward Matthiessen Lake, there was some water flowing near the Giant’s Bathtub and then a small amount off of the Lake Falls.

AX9138 181005 121818

AJ2560 160716 154325

X3791 140524 104811