Tagged: logo

CF7008 240804 113149

CF6978 240804 112156

CF6913 240804 111148

If you take a beginners’ photography class, your instructor is likely to bring up leading lines, rule of thirds, and removing items that aren’t needed as some of the keys to a great photo. I’d like to think that those are the reasons that I love this photo, but it’s probably only because I love the color red combined with the yellow hints in the center-line trim work.


CF5203 240629 132523

CF5166 240629 132051

CF5195 240629 132507

CF5213 240629 132727

CF5187 240629 132446

CF5167 240629 132126

Since many of the cars were crowded or muddy, I had to come up with a different strategy for photographing at Sonny Acres Farm. So I turned to the iconic nameplates that showed up, including the embossed Porsche on this 928.

CF5178 240629 132331

ChiTown Exotic Car Club hosted a car show at Sonny Acres Farm. It may have been the oddest site that I’ve been to for a car show; and it had been rainy recently, so it was very muddy. Overall, I did see quite a few rare cars, but it was very difficult to capture interesting photos due to the large crowd and the fact that the cars were so tightly packed.


CF5901 240714 112203

CF5911 240714 110723

Another wonderful photo from the Elgin History Museum’s annual Classic Car Show. Everyone knows what a 1957 Chevy Belair looks like, so it’s always challenging to find a unique take on this incredibly classic of the classic cars. But, if there’s a late 60’s muscle car with awesome rims next to it? Well, now that’s kinda unique.

CF5846 240714 103654

CF5766 240714 102326

Earlier in the morning, before the Elgin History Museum’s Classic Car Show technically started, there were a few showers that rolled through. While most of the cars arrived after the rain or their owners cleaned the cars off, this dripping wet Thunderbird lent itself to some unique photos.


CF3960 240618 191127

CF3990 240618 191930

I’m certain that the goddess is holding something from greek or roman legend, but to me it looks like a discus or a small tire and made me chuckle.

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CF3897 240618 185157

Who decided that a flying bird was the best emblem for this Ford’s hood ornament? What person walked into a business meeting and said “Yeah, I think a chicken looking bird is perfect!”

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“Chrome Luxury”

June 26th, 2024

Every time that I have been to the Wauconda Cruise Night, there is at least one Duesenberg at the end of the main street. They’re absolutely spectacular cars, and I love photographing them! …view older images with the thumbnails below…  

CF3947 240618 190636

Every time that I have been to the Wauconda Cruise Night, there is at least one Duesenberg at the end of the main street. They’re absolutely spectacular cars, and I love photographing them!

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CF3874 240618 184834

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CF3809 240618 183312

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CF3748 240618 181543

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BZ1128 230827 091225


AT5930 171125 123113

AT5897 171125 122551

AR8534 170617 142452

AR8530 170617 142410

AR8524 170617 135035

AR8515 170617 134945

AR8510 170617 134858

AR8503 170617 134841

AR8498 170617 134816