Tagged: hood

BY3191 230718 193334

CF8510 240917 190115

BY2059 230709 133952


CF2228 240512 131916

CF2199 240512 131635

CF2169 240512 131444

CF7008 240804 113149

CF6978 240804 112156

CF6913 240804 111148

If you take a beginners’ photography class, your instructor is likely to bring up leading lines, rule of thirds, and removing items that aren’t needed as some of the keys to a great photo. I’d like to think that those are the reasons that I love this photo, but it’s probably only because I love the color red combined with the yellow hints in the center-line trim work.


CF5944 240714 111253


I love the fact that this car’s owner has chosen red accents for his engine but left the dipstick blue. It’s perfect.


CF5901 240714 112203

CF5911 240714 110723

Another wonderful photo from the Elgin History Museum’s annual Classic Car Show. Everyone knows what a 1957 Chevy Belair looks like, so it’s always challenging to find a unique take on this incredibly classic of the classic cars. But, if there’s a late 60’s muscle car with awesome rims next to it? Well, now that’s kinda unique.

CF5846 240714 103654

CF5851 240714 103738

…someday I will learn to take a photo of the entire car, or at least of the tag with the car’s information at car shows, but the day that I photographed this car was not that day…

CF5836 240715 191921


If you attend too many car shows, you may begin to get bored of all of the late 60’s Mustangs. Don’t get me wrong, their a beautiful car, but after you’ve seen the 400th, you may want to photograph literally anything else.
Unless you see the perfect shade of blue with perfect chrome accents… In that case, it may rekindle your joy in photographing Ford’s wonderful muscle car.

CF5766 240714 102326

Earlier in the morning, before the Elgin History Museum’s Classic Car Show technically started, there were a few showers that rolled through. While most of the cars arrived after the rain or their owners cleaned the cars off, this dripping wet Thunderbird lent itself to some unique photos.


BY3051 230718 191019

What’s cooler than a fully tricked out hot rod?
Wauconda Cruise In always puts on a good show, and this year, I was able to attend in both July and August.

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BY3103 230718 191836


BY3112 230718 191936

BX1733 230215 164118

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BL3015 210424 143621

BG7000 200830 074911

BG1599 200508 150818

AX3768 180715 113305

AX6995 180909 130527