Tagged: green

AX8990 180928 220735

AX9756 181013 201950

AX8915 180928 210646


Cynthia, my oldest daughter, and I took a day trip down to Matthiessen State Park for our October birthdays.  The weather was perfect, and the colors were just starting to turn, so we enjoyed some yellow and just the hints of red that were just beginning.  In the fall it’s very unusual for there to be much water flowing, but when we walked north, toward Matthiessen Lake, there was some water flowing near the Giant’s Bathtub and then a small amount off of the Lake Falls.

AX9068 181005 113539

AX9138 181005 121818

AX1676 180610 103649

AX5966 180901 160925

AX5849 180901 142712

AX2697 180623 161455

AX1847 180610 140236

AX4302 180727 163950

AX4344 180728 215806

AX2326 180611 154935

AX2316 180611 154605

AX2299 180611 153917

AX2251 180611 151518

AX3942 180717 201926

AX2308 180611 154247

AX2045 180611 103324

AX1613 180610 094940

AT3052 171008 112827

AT9144 180422 181311

AT6370 180113 105724

AT6391 180113 105923

AT6409 180113 110109

AT6447 180113 110240

AT6484 180113 110701

AT6632 180113 125813

AT6670 180113 130111