Tagged: flying

CF3804 240618 183122


BT8585 230807 172400

BT8521 230807 171206

BT8468 230807 164708

BT8435 230807 163741


CF6643 240721 085054

CF6663 240721 085213

I love photographing these little hoverflies; they’re so tiny and true to their name, tend to hover from location to location. This little one seemed to be waiting for the sun to reappear.

CF6687 240721 085306


CF3990 240618 191930

I’m certain that the goddess is holding something from greek or roman legend, but to me it looks like a discus or a small tire and made me chuckle.

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CF3897 240618 185157

Who decided that a flying bird was the best emblem for this Ford’s hood ornament? What person walked into a business meeting and said “Yeah, I think a chicken looking bird is perfect!”

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BQ6538 220730 145202

BQ2654 220610 100612

AL0452 160626 150732

AG7462 150719 135813

AG7394 150719 131008

AG7386 150719 130901

AG7371 150719 125932