Tagged: Chicago Botanic Gardens


CF6821 240721 091117

CF6773 240721 090402

CF6806 240721 090747


CF6873 240721 091635

CF6788 240721 090606

CF6628 240721 084835

CF6588 240721 084350

CF6573 240721 084211

CF6533 240721 083633

CF6529 240721 083314


CF6643 240721 085054

CF6663 240721 085213

I love photographing these little hoverflies; they’re so tiny and true to their name, tend to hover from location to location. This little one seemed to be waiting for the sun to reappear.

CF6687 240721 085306


BY0288 230619 135139

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BT7234 230619 135432

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BY0303 230619 140010

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BY0351 230619 140155

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BY0367 230616 140411

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BY0382 230619 141002

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BY0466 230619 145503

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BY0479 230619 150338

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BC1530 190623 132955

BC1505 190623 132319

BC1493 190623 132119

AK3816 160626 144759

AI7673 160221 162524

AI7671 160221 162342

AI7608 160221 160259

AI7593 160221 155849

AI7526 160221 152427

AI7524 160221 151847

AI7512 160221 151645