Tagged: cactus

CG8873 250126 132024

I guess I’ve never really paid attention to the spines on various cactus plants, but I have definitely never noticed a cactus’s spines that are quite as curvy as this cactus’s are! I love the almost “barrier” like feel to the repeating leaves, if that’s what you would call them, and the repeating pattern makes me wonder if there’s a mathematical system behind their arrangement.


CG6279 241108 225634


CF6821 240721 091117


CF6873 240721 091635

BN4547 211126 121333


AY6820 190324 144727

AY6802 190324 143923


As part of my black & white month, I wanted to feature some photos of cactus.   I’ve visited several botanic gardens and conservatories, but hadn’t ever spent the time and focus needed to properly capture cactus.   So, on a cold Sunday in January, I drove down to Lincoln Park, and upon arriving, realized that I’d left my Nikon at home.   After driving home and back, I walked into the Lincoln Park Conservatory, only to discover that they don’t have a cactus room – some days just don’t work out how you plan.

So, instead of cactus, I took photos of plants that I thought would work great in black & white…and someday, I’ll actually take a trip to photograph cactus.

AY4822 190127 140749

AI7673 160221 162524

AI7671 160221 162342

AI7682 160221 162932

AI7652 160221 161949

AL0216 160622 193157

AL0452 160626 150732

AL0210 160622 192921

AC6790 141129 090037