Tagged: autoshow

CF8105 240907 141518


CD4294 240421 091152

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CD4319 240421 092112

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CD4154 240421 082442

Whenever I attend car shows, I try to take some time to walk through the spectator’s parking lot. This Mustang was just sitting there, looking angry, waiting for someone to take a photo.
While I was taking the photo, another Mustang owner parked right next to this car and asked me if it was my car – sadly no.

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CD4389 240421 094504

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CD4429 240421 095702

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CD4284 240421 090943

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CD4369 240421 094104

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CD4518 240421 101140

At nearly every car show or meet, it’s difficult to get a great photo of a “cool” car. However, capturing an iconic detail is often a matter of patience.

Everyone has seen a photograph of a Lamborghini which makes photographing a Lamborghini in a unique way an interesting challenge.  How can I photograph this famous supercar in a way that is familiar but also new and interesting?  The direct sunlight helped so much in this photo, bringing out the shine in the rim and the paint job, but I am also fond of the double point in the nose of the car.

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CD4439 240421 100110

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CD4415 240421 095321

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CD4374 240421 094131

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CD4199 240421 083143

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BZ9926 240212 211031

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BZ9910 240212 202709

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BZ9854 240212 201432

A month ago at photo club, we had a group of photographers edit various photos so that the club could see various styles and choices. I submitted a few “bad” photos to the group of editors and one of my friends took my bad photo of this 918 Spyder and created an image similar to my edit above. I was amazed at how he’d taken a photo that I’d written off and created something gorgeous!
…to be clear, the image above is my recreation of his edit…

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BZ9846 240212 201251

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BZ9815 240212 200932

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BZ9795 240212 194724

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BZ9780 240212 193712

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BZ9893 240212 202612

I think most boys who grew up in the 1980s had a poster of the Countach on their wall, or they at least had a friend who had that poster on their bedroom wall. So it came as a surprise to see an obviously-not-from-the-80’s Countach at the Auto Show. As it turns out, Lamborghini sold a hybrid supercar and in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the original Countach, they gave this new hypercar that classic name. The styling is reminiscent of the original, and the new Countach looks even cooler in person!

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BZ9861 240212 201435

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BZ9851 240212 201402

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BZ9836 240212 201236

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BZ9800 240212 194748

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BZ9784 240212 194040

I love taking photos of cars, but I’m not that much of a mechanical car guy; however, I do recognize the “Lingenfelter” name and was happy to talk with the owner of this beautiful Camaro with a very unique paint color.

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BZ9769 240212 193030

2025 Ford Mustang GTD, 2024 Chicago Auto Show
According to my notes, this was my 8th trip to the Chicago Auto Show to take photos. The show is much smaller than in previous years, but there’s always cool lines to photograph!

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