Tagged: abstract

BL0766 201213 204452

BL0735 201213 204129

BL0727 201213 203625

BL0646 201212 201304

BL0639 201212 201148

BL0634 201212 201134

BL0629 201212 201017

BE8793 200325 210847

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AY0534 181029 203901 copy

AX9253 181009 205534

AX8932 180928 213322

10 years of fourpointedstar.com – a Christmas lights abstract for each year

BL1052 201225 193433

BL1050 201225 193429

BL1036 201225 192552

BL0771 201213 204503

BL0744 201213 204210

BL0728 201213 203626

BL0658 201212 201404

BL0647 201212 201305

BL0643 201212 201300

BL0641 201212 201154

BL0159 201107 120016

BL0153 201107 115958

BE6440 200206 164756

BE6371 200206 162237

BE6357 200106 162129

BE6308 200206 160211


see more photos from my Michigan Lighthouses Trip

BA9905 190711 154558

BC3393 190722 195225

BC3388 190722 195121

BC3378 190722 194819

BC3366 190722 194530

BC2261 190711 133527