Tagged: 70-300mm f3.5-5.6

AS0973 171125 162057

AS0886 171125 155722

AS0868 171125 155108

AS0838 171125 154346

AS0834 171125 135725

AS0981 171125 163610

AT3533 171009 115138

AT2732 171006 132558

AT2675 171006 131920

AT2567 171006 122744

AL8416 170612 192249

AR0158 170823 201832

AR0046 AR0009


AP9035 AP9082

AP9015 AR0118

… a little note about my 2017 eclipse images…
Both of the above images were shot with the solar filter. Since it was overcast on and off during the entire eclipse, I switched between solar filter, ND8 filters, and using f/22 with a high shutter speed. I had both my D600 and my D7000, with my 80-200 f/2.8 and 70-300 f/4-5.6 with me. Although I’d only used the solar filter twice before, and despite my ignorance, the clouds, and my location far from totality, I’m quite happy with the images that I did capture.
Lastly – the D7000 is a crop frame, so it’s images appears much more zoomed in.

AL5669 AL9985

AL5571 161105 163100 copy

AL5562 161105 154748

AR9151 170704 174237

AR9142 170704 174129

AN1254 161022 161453

AN1258 161022 161504

AL2121 160716 163309

AL5685 161113 193232

AN1386 161022 164431

AN1314 161022 162421

AG7360 150719 125547

AG9383 150826 212331