Tagged: 28-200 f2.8-5.6

“Stormy Sunset”

July 18th, 2023

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BY0115 230617 195306

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“Copper Shine”

July 17th, 2023

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BY0111 230617 195242

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BY0086 230617 113711

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BY1458 230703 142324

BY1409 230703 131813

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BY1387 230703 115842

BY1371 230703 094858

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BY1310 230703 081442

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BY1262 230703 070242

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BY1235 230703 065557

BY1150 230702 155832

BY0073 230611 131514

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BX8247 230521 135505

“Meant to Pierce Air”

July 8th, 2023

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BX8216 230521 135047

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BX8168 230521 133722

BX8136 230521 132940

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BX8117 230507 132827

BX8099 230521 132737

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BX6555 230507 094830

BX6468 230507 171654

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BY0886 230630 211022

BX6387 230507 092221

BX6364 230507 092107

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BX6354 230507 092040

BX6324 230507 091900

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BX6189 230429 134509

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BX6206 230429 140453

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BX6181 230429 132958

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BX6174 230429 132917

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BT6219 230429 151825

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BX7484 230513 210102

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BX4918 230411 210235

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BX4913 230411 205356

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BX4907 230411 203354

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BX4923 230411 210944

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BX4901 230411 203300

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BX4877 230411 200817

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