Tagged: 20-35mm f2.8

AY7605 190407 201303

AY7707 190419 154206

BC1896 190703 205258

BC1892 190703 205152

AY8051 190427 165458

AY8043 190427 160022

AY8046 190427 165421

AY7713 190419 154526

AY7720 190419 155328

AY7596 190407 200732

AY7550 190407 184511


In mid-December, I drove past the Indiana Dunes and stopped and took the first image; around this time, I’d decided that February would be all black & white images – more on that at the end of the month.  I invited a photographer friend to come along on a dedicated trip back to the dunes and took photos with the intention of creating a week’s worth of black & white images.

We had a fantastic day of photography and conversation, and I ended up with quite a few more than 7 images and some images with fantastic texture and composition.

AY3477 181226 110556


see more photos of Indiana Dunes


Cynthia, my oldest daughter, and I took a day trip down to Matthiessen State Park for our October birthdays.  The weather was perfect, and the colors were just starting to turn, so we enjoyed some yellow and just the hints of red that were just beginning.  In the fall it’s very unusual for there to be much water flowing, but when we walked north, toward Matthiessen Lake, there was some water flowing near the Giant’s Bathtub and then a small amount off of the Lake Falls.

AX9126 181005 120134

AX9132 181005 114452

AX9138 181005 121818

AX9159 181005 123635

AX9177 181005 124909

AC9296 150219 140748

AL5182 161019 170628

AL4021 160703 163937


AK0455 160417 152428

AK2800 160524 110156

AK4010 160703 163036