Tagged: 16-28mm f2.8

BG6278 200812 111858

BG6265 200812 111712

BG6127 200811 215421

BG6120 200811 214312

BG5394 200718 224212

BG5298 200718 215749

BG0019 200425 145100

BE9927 200425 141229

BG0178 200425 160622

BE9985 200425 144224


see more photos of Comet NEOwise

BG4294 200627 214251

BG2338 200520 211351

BG3760 200614 152119

BG3635 200614 143840

BG3619 200614 143428

Here’s 2 strategies to capturing light trails: the pre-COVID way; I find a cool spot, setup up my tripod (first few images), and capture cars as they pass by; or, mount my tripod in my car and then took a series of 15-30 second images from the passenger seat (second set of images).

Things I learned from this photo adventure:

1. Windshields are dirty, even after you’ve cleaned them.
2. Programming my camera’s wired remote was much easier than I expected; I should have tried it long ago.
3. Roads, even the ones we think are smooth, are actually VERY BUMPY.
4. If you can’t do it the old way, try doing it backwards.

BE5467 191204 214936

BE5455 191204 213259

BE5441 191204 212215

BE5440 191204 211711

BE6431 200206 163946

BE6419 200206 163120

BE6407 200206 152948

BE6401 200206 162820


see more photos from my Michigan Lighthouses Trip

AY7186 190329 120342

BE3507 191110 095751

BE3447 191110 094214