Category: celebrate & reflect

BL7626 210704 212433

BL7619 210704 212352

BL7616 210704 212337

BL7590 210704 212047

BG4511 200704 205432


December 31st, 2020


J6715 - 10 years

In late 2010, I started posting images to this site – a photo for each day. The first photo was of star trails – a photo that I’m proud of even today. As I ran out of photos that I had taken before, the daily photo became a challenge because I needed to shoot fresh images that I would be proud to post on my site.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve learned numerous lessons about photography, met many great friends, and shared my images with others. I’ve always shot photos for my own enjoyment as a way for me to relax, enjoy the moment later, and “create” something. My website became another way for me to create and remember the moments, and going out photographing with my friends became an enjoyable way to relax.

There are now almost 3,800 images on the site, from some of my first images in 2003 up to now. Even though there are mistakes and images that I no longer care for, I’m proud of the end result and I’m excited about adding more photos and making it better over the next years.

If you’d like to take a peek at the photos, choose one of the “Calendars” on the lower left – you’ll find at least 365 photos. 🙂

BC4665 190809 225308

BG4557 200704 215509

BG4549 200704 214849

BG4548 200704 214715

AX3546 180704 223835

AX3495 180704 222852

AX3487 180704 222721

AX3480 180704 222520

AX3479 180704 222510

AX3461 180704 222146

AX3455 180704 222039

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AT3870 171015 123913

AU3421 171203 181612

AU3418 171203 175806

AU3414 171203 174323

AS1105 171203 191747

AS1097 171203 191233

AS1077 171203 185315

AS1062 171203 185013 copy

AT5870 171125 120400

AI5644 151221 233554

AI3159 151013 213235

AC7561 141213 180159

D4036 080708 162906

D3951 080708 145500