Category: abstract & unique

BL1553 210313 164151

BL1523 210313 163545

BE8877 200325 211738

BL1154 210227 192446

BL1176 210227 193821

BL1187 210227 194109

BL1211 210227 195741

Lightspeed Chicago website

BC1809 190703 195435

BC0188 190608 132011

BC0125 190607 093759

BE1206 190921 165746

BC0243 190608 154425

AZ0263 181121 132316

BL0766 201213 204452

BL0735 201213 204129

BL0727 201213 203625

BL0646 201212 201304

BL0639 201212 201148

BL0634 201212 201134

BL0629 201212 201017

Bl1114 210109 212559

BL1109 210109 210351

BL0917 201222 170516

Select “SEE MORE” in the white bar below for a few more images from “The Great Conjunction”.

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BL0504 201129 142334

BE8951 200329 132156 copy

BE8793 200325 210847

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AY1492 181111 195420 copy

AX9253 181009 205534

AX8932 180928 213322

BC4452 190805 204412

AY7605 190407 201303

AY7205 190329 121011

10 years of – a Christmas lights abstract for each year