2021 Archives

BL7356 210703 174539

BM1130 211001 154822

BM1295 211013 135203

Moana, Jr.

October 20th, 2021

BM1355 211013 141855

BM1415 211013 171453

BP0044 211010 123329

BP0230 211013 135958

BM1185 211001 155812

BL9878 210824 165439

BL9785 210824 060732

BL9681 210823 142932

BL9591 210822 183906

BL9535 210822 175424

BL8789 210807 094653

Donald W. Smith

October 9th, 2021

Donald W. Smith • February 12, 1943 – October 9, 2021

February 12, 1943 – October 9, 2021

My Dad passed away today, and I’m not sure how I feel about it, or even how I should feel about it. I remember some good times and good things that he did for our family and for me.  But I remember a whole lot more that was bad; moving state to state and school to school, religious rules without grace, his anger often specifically toward me, but mostly his lack of compassion.  I learned a lot from him; some good lessons, but mostly “don’t do it this way” lessons.  In some very distinct ways, he helped me learn about life – as you might have guessed, both good and bad.

And while I’m not sad that he’s gone (no one deserves to suffer through cancer) there was a part of me that thought that I wouldn’t miss him, that I’d already “dealt with his death”.  But I think I do miss him – there’s a part of my history and person that is missing now.  Dad helped me become who I am, and that impact will stay with me, for good and bad.

BM1112 211001 152404

BM1107 211001 152059

BM1080 211001 110511

BM1055 211001 110238

BM0925 211001 104244

BM0775 210930 172519

BM0740 210930 172147

BL9895 210827 130115

BL9279 210821 100801


September 2021

September 30th, 2021

BL9261 210821 100701

BL8974 210813 182118

BL8959 210813 182046

BL8055 210724 110509

BL8015 210724 110209

BL9868 210824 165117

BL9686 210823 144626

BL9574 210822 183247

BL9556 210822 181608

BL9531 210822 175347