November, 2024 Archives


CG7618 241130 214820

CB0954 231006 153837

November 2024

November 30th, 2024




CG3949 241020 102213

CB0948 231006 152736

CE7440 241129 084830

CG3839 241020 084339

BZ6381 231005 135621

CE7416 241128 134750

CG2751 241019 145028

BZ6210 231005 113540

CE7342 241127 150015

CG2733 241019 135325

BZ6161 221005 112439

CE7332 241126 121841

CG2718 241019 134846

BZ6130 231005 112016

CG7575 241125 081754

CG0670 241005 153122

CG7534 241124 144336

CG7519 241124 143657

CG7400 241124 141359

Today’s monochrome is a little different; Sarah and I walked through downtown Elgin and took photos of doorways. My original intention was to layer 24 downtown doorways (cause it’s the 24th, you know?) into one montage, but once I layered more than 6 or 8 images, enough details were gone that you couldn’t identify anything in particular. So I adjusted to 3 creations, 7 images each … and I really like the outcome.

BZ6216 231005 114033

CG0001 241004 151810

CG7379 241123 152542


CG3969 241020 105149

CE7302 241122 202638

BZ5841 231004 155808

CG3874 241020 090313

CE7277 241121 193605

CG2861 241019 152821

BZ5791 231004 142342

CE7262 241120 101625

CG2698 241019 134736

CE7257 241119 201834